Spit Roast Options

Whole Free Range Hog Roast  – up to 130 people

Whole Free Range Lamb Roast – up to 65 people

Half Free Range Hog Roast – up to 65 people

Half Free Range Lamb Roast – up to 30 people

Half Free Range Hog Half Lamb Roast – up to 90 people

 All Spit Roast Options are Supplied with Paper Plates, Disposable Cutlery, Napkins, Freshly Baked Bread and Sauces to Accompany Your Meat Option

We will also provide a Gazebo and a Table for Serving

Other Spit Roast Free Range Meats Available







BBQ Options

Pork Ribs

Homemade Sausages

Homemade Burgers

BBQ Chicken

Vegetarian Options also Available

Or Anything You Require


Salad Options

Pasta Salad With Roasted Vegetables 

New Potato Salad With Chives

Fresh Mixed Leaf Salad

Tomato, Red Onion, Spinach With Olive Oil

Homemade Creamy Crunchy Coleslaw

Greek Salad

 Other Salads Available on Request